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Help Clean Up & Sustain Labadi Beach

Organization number: CS164231022
Organisation Number: CS164231022
$50,000.00 target Join 448 Donors

Mayekoo is on a mission to combat beach and ocean pollution in Accra, Ghana, and we need your support to make a difference. Labadi Beach, like other beaches in Accra, is suffering from neglect and pollution, threatening the livelihoods of local fishermen, damaging marine life, and destroying tourism. But together, we can turn the tide and restore this paradise to its former glory.

Labadi Beach, with its vibrant culture and stunning scenery, is a symbol of Ghana's natural beauty. However, it's plagued by trash from single-use plastics, overburdened storm drain systems, and inadequate waste management facilities. Imported fashion waste also contributes to the pollution, harming marine life and impacting the local economy. Lack of funds limit locals' ability to implement sustainable solutions, exacerbating the problem. Labadi Beach is more than just a tourist destination–it's a cultural treasure and a vital part of Ghana's identity. We can't stand by and allow this neglect to continue.

How You Can Help

Donate: Your contribution directly supports our efforts to clean up and protect Labadi Beach. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal and makes a real difference in preserving Ghana's coastline.

Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. Together, we can raise awareness about the importance of beach conservation and inspire others to join the cause.

Take Action: Be the change you want to see. Participate in beach cleanups, reduce your own plastic consumption, and advocate for sustainable practices in your community.

Community Impact

By supporting Mayekoo’s efforts, you're not just cleaning up a beach–you're revitalizing a community. Labadi Beach is not only a tourist destination but also a gathering place for locals, a source of livelihood for fishermen, and a symbol of cultural pride. Your contribution will improve the quality of life for residents, protect marine ecosystems, and promote sustainable tourism, benefiting generations to come.

The Mayekoo Solution

  • Purchase a Barber Beach rake for daily cleanup of the beach
  • Purchase a tractor to tow the beach rake
  • Hire operators and additional support for new equipment
  • Purchase and install trash receptacles
  • Contract a trash hauling company for scheduled pickups and drop offs
  • Clean up approximately 7-10 acres per day