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Help Renovate & Upgrade Vakpo Medical Center

$30,000.00 target Join 153 Donors

Join Mayekoo’s initiative for better medical care and to bring hope and healing to the Volta Region of Ghana. This crucial health facility serves roughly 12,000 visitors and epitomizes the stark realities facing underfunded rural health centers across Ghana. Our campaign aims not just to refurbish a building but to reimagine rural healthcare, creating a model of accessible, quality medical services where scarcity is eliminated.

The people of Vakpo and surrounding areas face immense healthcare challenges, including high risks in maternity, women's health, and NICU/infant health, compounded by economic, geographic, and infrastructural barriers. Struggling under the weight of outdated infrastructure, a dire lack of medical supplies, and a shortage of skilled healthcare professionals, the Center is working tirelessly to provide the comprehensive care its community desperately needs. Furthermore, cultural and financial obstacles, coupled with a lack of education on health and hygiene, severely limit the community's ability to seek and receive the care they desperately need. Together with the community of Vakpo and its neighboring villages, we aim to eliminate disparities, ensuring accessible, quality medical care for all.

Revitalizing the Vakpo Medical Center goes beyond improving a building; it's about saving lives and empowering a community. By addressing the critical healthcare gaps in Vakpo, we're not only providing immediate relief but also laying the groundwork for sustainable health and well-being. Enhanced medical facilities mean safer births, healthier children, and a community that thrives, free from the fear of preventable diseases and complications.

How You Can Help

Donate: Your support can turn the tide for Vakpo, transforming the medical center into a beacon of hope and healing.

Spread the Word: Awareness is the first step towards change. Share our story and help us reach hearts and minds around the world.

Partner with Us: If you have resources, expertise, or time to share, join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of residents in and around Vakpo.

Community Impact

We see a tomorrow where every patient has access to clean water, where mothers deliver safely, and newborns have a fighting chance at life. This vision can become a reality with your help. Upgraded healthcare facilities mean a stronger, healthier community ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.

The Mayekoo Solution

Short Term
  • Upgrade essential equipment, including monitoring devices, beds, and wheelchairs, and provide incubators for the neonatal intensive care unit.
  • Continuously fund critical medical supplies and medicines to address immediate healthcare needs.
  • Ensure access to clean drinking water, vital for preventing disease and improving overall community health.
  • Facilitate access to feminine hygiene products, addressing a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of women's health.
Long Term
  • Raise funds to expand and modernize the outdated maternity ward, creating a safer environment for mothers and newborns.
  • Add delivery rooms to accommodate the growing needs of the community, ensuring that every birth is attended with the care and dignity it deserves.