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Help Impact Youth Foundation Renovate & Upgrade Ayenya Jr. High School

Organization Name: Impact Youth Foundation
Organisation Name: Impact Youth Foundation
$12,000.00 target Join 256 Donors

Mayekoo is thrilled to fundraise for Impact Youth Foundation, a dynamic registered nonprofit/NGO in Ghana that is dedicated to harnessing the power of sports to foster leadership and education among Ghana's youth. 

Impact Youth Foundation has adopted the Ayenya village, about 25 miles outside of Accra, and is on a mission to uplift this low-income community by providing the youth with the education they need to leave poverty behind. The aging structures at the local junior high school pose a significant risk to the 200 students and faculty, and they deserve a safer, more enriching learning environment. Join Mayekoo and Impact Youth Foundation in fueling the future of these kids with education, leadership, and sports.

The Challenge

For the students, each crack in the wall, each leak in the roof, speaks of a broader issue of neglect, underscoring the disparities in educational access and quality. For the community, the school's dilapidated state mirrors the broader challenges of rural education in Ghana, where inadequate funding and infrastructure hamper the potential for growth and development.

Why It Matters

The junior high school in Ayenya is a testament to resilience, with students and teachers still attending classes amid crumbling walls and leaky roofs. These conditions are not just hazardous; they are a daily reminder of the obstacles that stand between these eager minds and their educational aspirations. Investing in Ayenya's educational infrastructure is more than a building project; it's an investment in human potential. Education, equipped with the right resources, can break the cycle of poverty, empowering individuals and uplifting communities.

How You Can Help

Donate: Every donation lays a brick in the foundation of a brighter future. Whether it's contributing to the construction of a new classroom or providing clean water, your support is transformative.

Spread the Word: Amplify our cause. The more voices that join this chorus, the louder our call for change.

Engage: If you're inspired to offer more direct support, we welcome partners and volunteers to bring our vision to life.

Community Impact

We see a village where education thrives, where children learn in classrooms designed to foster their growth, and where access to clean water is a given. This is the future we're building in Ayenya—a future where every young person can dream big and achieve bigger.

The Mayekoo Solution

Short Term:
  • Demolish the existing dilapidated classroom block and construct a 4-classroom building for junior high students.
  • Equip these classrooms with the necessary resources, including desks and chairs, to facilitate effective learning.
Long Term:
  • Raise funds to build a larger junior high school complex, complete with electricity, internet, and modern amenities to nurture education and innovation.
  • Drill a new well with a submersible pump to ensure clean drinking water.
  • Construct new, safe restroom facilities for our students and staff.

Transparency Promise

We pledge to uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability. Every contribution will be diligently tracked, with regular updates on our progress and detailed reports on how your donations are making a difference.

Impact Youth Foundation