Donate to Support Chuchu Softies' Period Bank Initiative
ChuChu Softies is a social enterprise committed to addressing menstrual hygiene challenges faced by girls and women in rural areas across Ghana and Nigeria. Our Period Bank Initiative aims to provide sustainable solutions to period poverty by distributing high-quality reusable sanitary pads to girls and women from disadvantaged communities. Since its inception, ChuChu Softies has been dedicated to promoting menstrual health and hygiene, recognizing the profound impact it has on the lives of women and girls.
The Challenges
19% of girls miss school as a result of menstruation and in some regions, up to 40% have to interrupt their studies momentarily. Some of the challenges girls and women face include; The high cost of disposable menstrual products is a significant burden for many individuals, especially in low-income communities. The excessive use of plastic-based pads and tampons contributes to pollution, waste generation, and resource depletion and may cause skin irritations, allergies, and infections. The inadequate access to clean and hygienic facilities. Many girls and women feel embarrassed or stigmatized, inhibiting open discussions and access to accurate information.
Why it matters
Your donation will guarantee the respect of the human rights of girls and women by providing them with access to menstrual hygiene products that are essential for maintaining dignity. A generous gesture that will not only promote their well-being through the distribution of safe, reusable and affordable menstrual products but will also ensure their equal access to educational and economic opportunities. Furthermore, addressing period poverty is in line with the achievement of many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 5 (Gender Equality).
Transparency Promise
We pledge to uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability. Every contribution will be diligently tracked, with regular updates on our progress and detailed reports on how your donations are making a difference.
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No.2 Wristberg CloseAbelemkpe - Accra